Wellness overlooking a bay in Canada

Breathtaking views of Lake Ontario, wilderness and advanced technology: this is the unique, exclusive experience offered by the Sauna Grotto

Interview with Philippe Starck

In order to create, he lives in solitude until his ideas are ready to be hand-sketched on paper. His keywords have always been honesty, ethics, emotion and ecology, in other words everything that individuals can do for “our tribe” and for the world in which we live. It is reductive to label Philippe Starck a designer, especially when he seeks emotion in his projects and he transitions from the dematerialization of objects to the immateriality of a drop of perfume

MCD’s Customer Experience strategy

In Milan, which is experiencing a recovery in the real estate market thanks to innovative sales approaches, Milano Contract District is proposing a “design and turnkey” formula for valuable real estate. The success of this approach is demonstrated by recent market research and Poma61, one of the B2B organization’s most recent projects

Handmade appeal

The Barovier&Toso collections on show in Shanghai are designed to introduce the Chinese market to the uniqueness, luxury, history and craftmanship synonymous with Italian manufacturing

In the Mood for design

Coerenza, originalità, ma anche ironia, uniti a un fascino intimo e silenzioso. Questa la ricetta di Stefano Gaggero per ridare forza e vigore al brand Mood, di cui è divenuto Art Director, dopo aver collaborato con aziende quali Pianca, Dorelan, Bonacina e realtà produttive nel campo del vetro. Formatosi nelle eccelse scuole di Ferruccio Laviani e Paola Navone, ne ha fatto propri gli insegnamenti – l’attenzione all’atmosfera e alla ‘scatola’, la ricerca sui materiali e i colori – declinati in una propria visione di interior, dove l’eleganza più pura ne è l’obiettivo finale

Grandeur effect

Villa La Coste perfectly harmonizes with the elements that surround it. The hotel, which is nestled among the vineyards of Chateau La Coste, offers outstanding hospitality to those looking for a unique experience. Guests...

Pop luxury hospitality

It was 25 years ago that Ian Schrager first sent shockwaves through the hospitality industry, revolutionising long-established trends and ripping up the rulebook. Now, he’s back among a packed field with his finger on...

MPavilion, a dynamic incubator

MPavilion‘s story began in 2014 after the Naomi Milgrom Foundation proposed the idea of an original temporary space in the Queen Victoria Gardens, commissioned every year by a new architect. Between October and February,...

St. George, Helsinki’s saloon

Which designers arranged the spaces and chose the furnishings? Hotel St. George design process was a collaboration between inhouse creative team and external partners. I was asked to take the role as Creative Director May 2017...

WAF 2018, architecture with a capital A

More than 130 judges representing over 35 countries, 33 categories (divided into future project and completed projects) that run the gamut from buildings linked to Culture, Education, Health, Sport, but also Residences, Offices, Hotels… Kampung...