Extrovert science. The Experimentarium’s multidisciplinary approach

CEBRA has recently finished restructuring the Experimentarium, introducing radical changes to its architectonic expression. The existing building, a former Tuborg beer bottling plant, has been extended and reorganised, with the addition of new floors and...

A harmonious union

Uniting different influences, the Dress or Dressed project (also known as Dress & Dressed) was exhibited (during MDW) and continues to be exhibited with an intriguing set-up designed by Luciano Marson which combines two...

Chairs & More sides with the UN

The Library Events Room in the United Nations headquarters (Geneva) is known for Henrik Sorensen's large painting behind the dais, which dominates the space, and for countless bookcases located along the walls. Now, however,...

The many sides of Central Embassy

Bangkok is without doubt one of the most alluring – and complex – capital cities in Asia. It is vast, highly polluted and extraordinarily vibrant. No longer is it merely “an expanse of brown...

Spain in Cologne

Probably, Pepa Bascón never imagined having such a response when, from her sunny Seville, she moved to Cologne in search of new experiences. Instead, twenty years after her ‘expatriation’, she has not only had...

The time capsule

What does one feel in admiring the same paintings and the same works of art looked upon by Napoleon or Tsar Alexander I? You can discover it one of the 104 rooms of the...

Illuminated River: light on London bridges

Illuminated River will be the longest public art installation in the world once complete, spanning up to 15 central London bridges, from Albert Bridge in West London to Tower Bridge in the City. With...

Form Follows Fiction

German architect Ole Scheeren has impressed the Chinese with the project CCTV Headquarters Tower, popularly nicknamed Big Trousers due to its unique shape. From MahaNakhon tower in Bangkok, the Interlace in Singapore to Empire...


The rounded, irregular forms designed by SANAA for the new complex officially opened on 25 November, like an egg or a figure eight, certainly represent a breakthrough with respect to the previous architecture with...

A church for theater

The sacred character remains intact. A place of prayer and then of culture, the small church of San Rocco at Rotello, in the province of Campobasso (Italy), was stripped of its religious functions in...