The Convent of Santo Domingo: architecture rooted in time

“I chose an architectural style that exists silently, serenely, without drawing attention to itself,” is how Elisa Valero Rames describes her design for the new exhibition space at the Convent of Santo Domingo in...

5 Terres Hôtel & Spa, as authentic as Flexform

This 16th century building is the product of the ‘plastic hands of time’ and sits opposite a facade classed as a historical monument in the middle of the town square of Barr, in Alsace. Originally the...

Architect Mark R. Anderson takes top role at Istituto Marangoni

Internationality and the crossover of knowledge and knowhow are the two cornerstones of the research of Mark R. Anderson, the new Director of Education at Istituto Marangoni Milano since March. “This new role at Istituto...

Emerson College: the city on campus

There is plenty to be taken aback by when you find yourself in front of the bold, majestic structure of Emerson College. As well as marvelling at the purpose of the place, you can’t...

Sharing at the centre

Communication is about connecting with others and exchange. Based on these values, Bloomberg has founded its empire consisting of TV, press agency, radio, internet and publications. Its new London-based European headquarters are a magnificent...

New parisian living

After entrepreneur Nicolas Nonon decided to sell his company and throw himself headfirst into the hospitality sector, he was faced with a blank page. A story to write. His determination drove him forward, from...

Eleonore Cavalli in the FederlegnoArredo General Council

The general meeting of FederlegnoArredo took place on May 16th in Pesaro. For the occasion, Eleonore Cavalli was elected and offered a seat on the General Council of the sector association, after the first...

EDEN Luxury Suite: emotional tourism

EDEN Luxury Portable Suite was designed by Verona-born architect Michele Perlini, who specialises in sustainable, low-energy-consumption architecture and design. “A cell that produces more energy that it consumes, a module that can be transported to the most...

Jacob’s Ladder: connecting the sky and the earth through art

Art, engineering, landscape and religion are the four components at the heart of the work of Gerry Judah, the internationally renowned sculptor who was born in Calcutta before moving to London with his family. In...