Tag: Cristina Celestino

New visions

From the office that enters the home, to the home that enters the office. Today the challe...

Quinti | Parterre

A composition of flexible and comfortable seats, with which Cristina Celestino pays homage...

Cristina Celestino, guest of honor at Maison&Objet 2022

Celestino, a designer and architect from Pordenone, Italy, is “designer of the year” f...

M&O 2022: the director Guillaume Prot provides some previews

From the Future on Stage section dedicated to new creatives, to the designer of the year C...

CEDIT experiences the metaverse

The ceramic surfaces of the brand of Florim are dematerialized and reorganized in the virt...

Welcoming looks

At a glance, they transmit the idea of an embrace: the new beds suggest sinuous softness t...

Fendi Casa, 700 sqm in the heart of Milan

Next to Teatro alla Scala, a large space to narrate the new path of a historic Italian bra...

Misha in “Colour variations”

The collaboration with Atelier Mériguet-Carrère has triggered new palettes for the Esoti...