A fantastic journey between art and functionality

Imperfettolab opens ImperfettoGallery in Milan, a space for design, but above all for multidisciplinary meetings and experimentation

Orghen 07 by Imperfettolab, design Verter Turroni

Imperfettolab, “laboratory of the imperfect”, was born in 1992 in Longiano, on the Via Emilia, in the province of Forlì-Cesena. And it is immediately poetry born from the encounter between art, design and functionality at the limits of sculpture.

If at the beginning the research of the brand focused on stage design, sculpture and painting, since 1997 the work has included the design and creation of design elements ranging from furniture to accessories, with the birth of the first collection. The leitmotif of the creations is beauty expressed through imperfection, translated through expert work on fiberglass, which is sanded by hand to release its natural charm and make each piece unique.

Carbon black 01, design Verter Turroni

Following its vocation for artistic research, Imperfettolab today inaugurates the ImperfettoGallery space in Milan, in one of the most characteristic areas of the city, the Alzaia Naviglio Grande. It is a meeting place dedicated to multidisciplinarity and experimentation between languages – even those that seem far apart – in order to offer the public unusual experiences and visions from the world of design and art in the broadest sense. 

Vara, design Verter Turroni

Sodalizi Temporanei (‘Temporary Sodalities’) is the title chosen for the annual program, and also that of the first appointment of this space, where the brand’s design, by distorting the functionality of objects and the way they are viewed, gives life to unprecedented sculptural forms.

This is also the concept of the 2024 collection, which, as always, is characterized by a play of contrasts and oxymorons, with an evocative language that is never taken for granted. The plastic material redraws nature in a dreamlike guise, the clean and solid geometries risk seemingly impossible balances, the oversized dimensions play with the illusion of surprising elements that are at the same time contemporary, functional and innovative.

Beetle, Frattura, Bioma, Olmo#1