Circular economy: a free digital map on new materials

Materials Design Map is the initiative of WeVux, a platform that has shared sustainable projects of design and architecture since 2011

Materials Design Map
Materials Design Map

WeVux was founded in 2011 and it’s a platform for the sharing of projects of design and architecture connected with sustainability and emerging talent, through precise curation, a professional approach and a specific critical viewpoint. Today, through its technical director Giuseppe Barbalinardo, creative director Teo Sandigliano, and Mattia Lanzarone, WeVux presents Materials Design Map.

Bioplastic by Alara Ertenu Studio - Photo © Alara Ertenu Studio
Bioplastic by Alara Ertenu Studio – Photo © Alara Ertenu Studio
Color is Alive by Greta Facchinato - Photo © Studio Greta Facchinato
Color is Alive by Greta Facchinato – Photo © Studio Greta Facchinato

Materials Design Map is a free online tool that documents and illustrates – for sector professionals and all pertinent parties – the most interesting projects and companies around the world that focus on experimentation with sustainable materials, selected with the help of a committee of experts.

Ohmie Lamp by Rekrill
Ohmie Lamp by Rekrill
GoneShells by Tomorrow Machine Studio
GoneShells by Tomorrow Machine Studio

Material Design Map stems from the desire to map projects already completed or in progress, to share them and grant them maximum visibility, putting the experimenters into contact with industrial production systems.

UN-UN Project by Samuel Dos Santos
UN-UN Project by Samuel Dos Santos
Terra Eternity by Studio Yoon Seok-hyeon
Terra Eternity by Studio Yoon Seok-hyeon

Through the introduction of a map and the participation of companies and products already on the market, the initiative sets out to make a contribution to the circular economy, nurturing small solutions on a local scape, avoiding or limiting practices that are damaging for the environment, such as the transport of refuse, disposal in dumps and the phenomenon of downcycling.

Human Material Loop Innovations by Human Material Loop
Human Material Loop Innovations by Human Material Loop
Not-ordinary concrete by Selenia Marinelli
Not-ordinary concrete by Selenia Marinelli

“The idea was to try to provide a real contribution for the world of design,” says Teo Sandigliano. “We believe in multidisciplinary approaches to the sector and in design as a method to promote a transition towards a more sustainable future. Materials Design Map is our first project launched: an online database, free and available for anyone with a connection, enabling them to get in touch with companies and designers, while also helping them to understand what kinds of projects are now being developed in a given geographical area.” 

Why Colours Matter by Anne-Marie Sust
Why Colours Matter, the brainchild of fashion designer Anne-Marie Sust
Parigi 142 by Fucina Frammenti - Photo © Francesco Marongiu
Parigi 142 by Fucina Frammenti – Photo © Francesco Marongiu

The database is composed of an interactive map where it is possible to geographically locate the project in question, or the entire range of projects related to new materials in a given location. 

Jute Tiles by Atelier LVDW - Photo © Atelier LVDW
Jute Tiles by Atelier LVDW – Photo © Atelier LVDW
Pluma by MOGU
Pluma by MOGU

This is followed by a list of projects, organized in terms of four filters: design name, resource type, business type and the home nation of the studio/company. Clicking on the results, it is possible to have a description of the project, its location, its status (early prototypes, call for financing, etc.) and the web contact of the designer.

Giria by Evelina Kudabaite
Giria by Evelina Kudabaite, plates and table accessories made of recycled wood
Monoferments, Brutti ma buoni, Terra by Monostudio Associati
Monoferments, Brutti ma buoni, Terra by Monostudio Associati

The service requires no fees for participation or registration. The information comes directly from the designers, studios and companies, and the materials are updated on a monthly basis. Anyone who has created or is creating a sustainable material can take part, filling out a simple form at the contacts page.

KeepLife by Pietro Petrillo & Ilaria Spagnuolo, Piila
KeepLife by Pietro Petrillo & Ilaria Spagnuolo: a material composed of dried fruit shells and a patented binder
Italian Tropics : Fiore di Loto by Eugenia Morpurgo & Olivia de Gouveia - Photo © The Future Continuous
Italian Tropics : Fiore di Loto by Eugenia Morpurgo & Olivia de Gouveia – Photo © The Future Continuous

The idea arose following observation of certain critical factors in the field of experimentation with materials: first of all, the development of the concept, i.e. the interaction between experimentation and industrial production systems; then the fragmentation of systems of recycling and reuse of waste, caused for example by the fact that in Italy the rules change from region to region, or even from city to city. A complex world in which to share information on a capillary level. An idea that can lead to true progress.