
Nature, sustainability, environment. Terms that are having a massive impact on our collective language and the corporate values of every company in the world of interiors. But for Itlas they are a direct part of the firm’s background. Since 1988, when Patrizio Dei Tos founded Italparchetti Labor Legno Segati (hence the acronym ITLAS) for the production of prefinished wood floors. Already at the time, the position was clear: “to be a point of contact between man and nature.” This vision has simply expanded and grown over the years. 

The green approach, based first of all on the raw material, and the resulting investment in the environment, driven by an ethic of protection of the planet and the wellbeing of people, led to the first sustainable projects, from the early 2000s. From PEFC™ (Programme of Endorsement for Forest Certification) and FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) certifications, to the Assi del Cansiglio project that has brought out the quality of beechwood from the historic Bosco da Reme of the Republic of Venice, with zero-km sourcing of materials, or the creation of 5 Millimetri, a very thin wood facing for use in operations of refurbishing: the mission of Itlas, namely to create a new business model generated by collaboration between man and nature through innovative and ecological design, takes form from a philosophy that makes sustainability the central focus. 

The turning point in the evolution of production was represented first of all by Progetto Bagno – a total look solution for the home, starting with the raw material on which the Veneto-based company relies – and continues today with Le Righe Fineline, the new 3D paneling that can be installed horizontally or vertically to cover walls, but also to clad other surfaces, generating forceful optical and tactile effects.

This creation stands out for its coherent, vibrant aesthetic approach, creating a dialogue between cladding and furniture, for a 360-degree interior design. But above all, it is also part of the ECOS project, a circular economy initiative with which Itlas sets the goal of reducing waste from the processing of the raw material to a minimum. The scrap is assigned value, giving rise with Le Righe Fineline to a sort of ‘wooden wallpaper’ made from small pieces, which are joined together to represent an ideal of circular economics. Nothing is squandered, because wood is a precious, noble, regenerable and reusable material, and ECOS is the perfect illustration of these virtues.

“Responsible consumption and production form the basis of a paradigm shift required in the objectives of the Agenda 2030 (especially Goal 12) – the company explains. – But there should also be the awareness that wood plays a fundamental role in the battle to slow climate change: forest, in fact, contribute to reduce the quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere, and as a result the use of products in wood or based on wood stores the CO2 initially incorporated in trees, prolonging the period in which it is not released into the atmosphere. Increasing the use of wood is a simple but effective way to reduce emissions.”