To follow geometric rules, or even to break them: surfaces display expressive languages derived from research on forms, volumes, seams, the rhythmical repetition of full and empty zones, with optical results that design space. The vertical coverings (which at times extend onto the ceiling or the floor) create patterns and grids based on mathematical rules or algorithms, intersecting and establishing dialogue with the materials themselves.
Minimum (on cover) is the first collection of 3D cement tiles created by Marco Merendi & Diego Vencato for Gypsum. Minimalism, seen as a reduction of basic geometric structures in art but also in architecture, is the language of expression behind this project that alternates full and empty zones. The processing technique for the cement makes it possible to achieve geometric effects that cannot be made with other materials.
Pastelli, the new Appiani collection, is the ideal porcelain stoneware solution for flooring. Indestructible and with humidity absorption close to zero, it comes in 8 colors and 3 formats. The contrasting seams generate particular geometric motifs and decorative lines, already visible in a single sheet, with a matrix of 30×30 cm where every single tile finds its proper position in relation to the design.
Typic by Terratinta Group is composed of colored squares that give rise to covered surfaces. The compositional result offers multicolored fields that convey different atmospheres, thanks to the multiple combinations of 13 chromatic variants.
TRALERIGHE is the wallpaper collection produced by antoniolupi and designed by Gumdesign. The motifs are based on a mathematical algorithm: horizontal, vertical and oblique lines intersect as if they were alive and in continuous motion. The TRALERIGHE wallpaper collection includes 41 positive and 41 negative designs, all available on two different types of support.
JV 504 Tiébélé is the collection by Jannelli&Volpi that embodies an African spirit through a traditional printing technique, with the use of dense matte color mixtures, in a continuing overlay of the pigment. A harmonious composition of triangles, squares and rectangles, in strips that overlap and mix colors like brick, beige and cream, in contrast with shades of intense blue.
Whimsy Collection, designed by Arthur Arbesser for Abet Laminati, is a tribute to the interaction of fashion and design. The collection developed through digital printing confirms the relationship between the company’s design philosophy and the world of applied arts. The stripes and checks of Arbesser’s repertoire become patterns for the laminates. In the image, ZigZag stems from a passion for optical graphics and prints connected with the world of the theater and the circus.
Sebastiano Canzano has created the Loop collection for Listone Giordano. The challenge was to obtain a unique and apparently random pattern, characterized at the same time by a uniform image, through the serial repetition of a single compositional element. Hence the choice of the name to convey a sensation of multiplication of beauty, for wood surfaces applied in a traditional way on the floor, but also extending into vertical facings (or even ceilings), where the generative element is unrecognizable inside the overall pattern.
Reworked is the new project by M+ that reinterprets the lines of M+ Mosaics. The apparently random and irregular composition of tiles finds full expression in Freckles, a line developed by Studio Irvine. The core of the project is represented by the small colored fragments set into a mono-color base. Slight rotation of the fragments adds a random effect to the composition.
Contemporary games of geometric forms are reflected in the names of the models Étoile, Pois, Carré and Baguette, elements of the Ducale collection designed by Enzo Berti for Kreoo. In the four coverings based on the typical decorative motifs of Venetian palaces, the marble surface offered in ten different types is mixed with other materials like Murano glass, brass and stones, which are crafted to obtain refined inlays with which to make horizontal or vertical surfaces.