Alcantara, producer of the homonymous, innovative material is the sponsor of "The King and I exhibition" – with the Municipality of Milan – that will animate the ten rooms of the Apartment of the Prince within Milanese Palazzo Reale. For over a month (from September, 20 to October, 23) the space will host a creative narration managed by nine international artists, who will experiment the material’s potentialities.
This encounter between art, theatre, music and fashion creates a new path around Alcantara and the project's venue. The material is an inspiration to write a collective narrative using characters from our fairy-tale imagination: kings, queens, princes and princesses, frogs and labyrinths, which journey through the flight of our imagination and their stories. T
he strands of this multi-faceted exhibition dialogue with the apartment's architecture and decor, in a lively play of references and superimpositions, guided by the curators Davide Quadrio and Massimo Torrigiani.
Maurizio Anzeri, Arthur Arbesser, Paola Besana, and also Gentucca Bini, Matthew Herbert, Taisuke Koyama, and finally Francesco Simeti and Adrian Wong & Shane Aspegren are the artists of The King and I. A room for each one, where sculptures, photographs, clothes, installations and performances dialogue with the Apartment of the Prince in a continuous reinvention.
«An Alcantara-specific and site-specific project, two tracks of thought that have engaged the artists and us in careful and playful reflection, thanks to an original commission and a different way of interacting with a space like the Apartment – the curator Massimo Torrigiani concludes – Rather than considering it a 'window' or 'set', we conceived it as 'spirit' and 'place'. A starting point that stimulated everyone to reinvent the space and the material in ways that we at first found surprising».