Beyond appearances

The Scapin Group brands tell their stories in a talk in the Milan showroom, moving from history to land in the present and travel towards the future

Poseidon, New Era, Ecotone, Quartzforms

Together with Giorgio Donà – director and historical partner of Studio Boeri Interiors, a firm that has been the company’s travelling companion for years – Marco Scapin, who is the company’s art director, unveiled the native characteristics of a company (this is the third generation of the Scapin family) that has not long been entering the world of design.

Giorgio Donà Founding & Director at Stefano Boeri Interiors
Marco Scapin Art Director di Scapin Group

In the sober setting of the showroom in Via Santa Tecla (where the cabaret was born in Milan) the story of the company’s skills, but above all of the Group’s philosophy, becomes a path that touches the stakes of the B2B world, speaks the language of rigour without taking away space from the power of imagination and creativity.

We are talking about a company that stands out from the crowd, a reality that has decided to make customisation a cornerstone and that has declined this mission with rigorous engineering processes, without giving in to the temptations of overexposure, an attitude very dear to the world of design. Marco Scapin has clearly outlined the path he has travelled and the choices he has made over the years, without ever letting the specific weight of history be perceived, nor lapsing into the banal (and by now well-worn but apparently still alive) industry catchphrases: for example, the expression ‘Made in Italy’ has never been uttered, the ‘we’ prevails over the ‘I’, listening over speaking, doubt over certainty.

We are talking about natural stone, minerals, caveman matter, centuries-old matter. A matter that has been studied and analysed with care and patience, and the title of the project presented at the Salone and in the showroom during the MDW – Synapses Between Surfaces – is the summa of the company’s thinking: connections exist, all you have to do is look for them and line them up harmoniously. The end results are numerous: in addition to collaborations with dozens of brands in the kitchen world that bring in about 50% of the turnover, there are the objects, those born from the union with Studio Boeri Interiors.

And it was Giorgio Donà himself who pressed the accelerator on the path (we are now in the third year of collaboration), espousing the modus operandi of Marmo Arredo and Quartzforms, energetically fuelling the concept of “in fact the product does not exist, the product design exists” and christening Ecotone (recycling and resins derived from biocompound) and the collection that takes its name as a commodity for the company, a reality from which it cannot be disregarded in order to think of the future. The milestone  is changing shape, indeed it is taking infinite forms.

Mahal, New Era, Ecotone, Quartzforms

Gruppo Scapin showroom, Milano – Photo © Gerdastudio