Tour of the Nemo Virtual Museum

With the exhibition NFT – Not For Today by Luca Baldocchi, the company opens a new virtual space for digital works

Nemo Virtual Museum
Nemo Virtual Museum

“To understand the present and interpret the future has always been the company’s goal.” This is how Federico Palazzari, CEO of Nemo, presents the latest innovation implemented by the lighting brand: the Nemo Virtual Museum. An ongoing platform for ideas, designers and collections, key factors in the company’s work.

Using the link visitors can enter a gallery where they move about freely, as in any museum, absorbing the perceptions and impact of the creations on display.

Nemo Virtual Museum
Nemo Virtual Museum

The walls feature the digital creations by Luca Baldocchi of SodlabStudio, a digital art designer and pioneer of 3D art-design projects. Baldocchi reinterprets the icons of Nemo in a metaphysical garb, through a “meta-installation” that takes the name “NFT – Not For Today,” an indicative title to convey an open, experimental approach of the company to this new expressive reality.

“This project allows me to combine various elements that are not otherwise immediately connected: art, design and technology,” the artist explains. He translates Nemo’s bond with art into an intangible world, thanks to the work conducted by Nemo Studio in museums, galleries and institutions.

Nemo Virtual Museum
Nemo Virtual Museum

“This does not replace human relations, but acts as an alternative tool,” says the CEO, who through this initiative – to be followed by a calendar of constantly updated exhibitions – sets out to provide an opportunity for knowledge of this new virtual horizon, which by now has become a part of everyday life.