Agape is constantly evolving. Due to digitalization and the outsourcing of many activities, contemporary dwelling tends to escape the different environments’ traditionally functional definition, leaving ample “space” for new interpretations of the domestic landscape. The conventional “rooms” thus become environment-opportunities with many different uses, capable to answer to the ever changing needs. Sleeping and taking care of your body remain, however, moments of the day solidly linked to our physicality. It is not by chance that the spaces dedicated to these activities, further stimulated by the hotel sector, have shown tendencies to merge for quite some time now, creating new solutions for our well-being.
Evolving this line of thought, the prototypes and concepts of “Agape in the Garden” blur the boundaries even further. The sky’s blue, the favorite views, the sweet spots, the rustling of trees, the fragrance of nature or the stimulating urban backdrop: outdoor spaces become ideal extension of the Agape bathroom experience. We present the “XT” product range that, together with the other new products at their absolute debut, take the leading role in a design process where “Agape in the Garden” becomes a milestone in a path that will mark, through further interesting developments, one of the future directions of our catalogue.
The “XT” acronym distinguishes new variants of already existing products, where specific design features, both material and formal, allow an “extended” use, both in- and outdoor. Vieques (design Patricia Urquiola), Handwash (design Benedini Associati) and Ufo (design Benedini Associati) find new placements while exploring new materials and finishes, explicitly chosen to strictly answer to fundamental durability, maintenance, and safety requirements given by the outdoor environment.
New products encourage new ways of use. The Petra collection (design Vencato and Merendi) explicits in its smooth and flowing shapes the enormous amount of material research that resulted in the development of new types of concrete with great dirt resistance and unique aesthetics. Functionally and structurally self-sufficient, the new Lido shower (design Benedini Associati) and Valet (design Benedini Associati) further explore the theme of freestanding objects. The Grid shower tray (design Benedini Associati) deals with issues relating to maintenance through becoming a monolith accepting with ease the scale comparison with widely open spaces. New faucets and taps complement the new products with specific versions developed for this context.
The exhibition continues inside the showroom building where the DR washbasin, the Immersion family, the Lift containers, the Mach 2 accessories, the Marsiglia washbasin, the Neb family, the Rigo system and the Revolving Moon mirror have been integrated in an updated display, dedicated to the novelties presented in April.