The signature style of De Castelli meets the creative approach of the artist Andreco in the Climate 04 Sea Level Rise work – dedicated to the theme of sea level rise – and installed in Venice; it is the fourth stage of the Climate itinerary project. A project that will gather until January 27th events, actions, and interventions, to raise public awareness of the effects of climate change.
The installation is a modular structure with a base of 18 sq m and rising to 6.5 m in height, consisting of seven elements to form a multi-faceted landmark; a golden sculpture that overlooks and protects a series of wild plants, highlighting the vulnerability of the lagoon system and the importance of protecting the natural ecosystem.
Andreco, who has also a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, collaborates with De Castelli in the field of Artificare/Art&Business, a program by the Iuav and Ca ‘Foscari Universities, which explores the intersection opportunities between artistic and entrepreneurial practices.
Two other works are being carried out: a large Wall Painting by the artist that can be admired along the banks of the Canal Grande in Fondamenta Santa Lucia and a talk that analyzes climate change in an artistic and scientific way.