The Principality of Monaco is focusing its participation at the Milan Expo 2015 on the themes of solidarity and sharing, to demonstrate how prosperity acquired over the centuries can be used as an incentive for promoting the values of solidarity, protection of the environment and growth of the green economy. Cooperation, intended as a better sharing of wealth at an international level. Governance, supporting research and innovation to create responsible policies and actions. Education, considered as an authentic and irrevocable resource for the future, able to build awareness in citizens.
The total space of the Principality of Monaco covers a total surface area of 1,010 square metres, and is based on an architectural design by the Italian architect Enrico Pollini, the fruit of reflections on the themes of ecology, recycling and reuse.
19 containers were used to create all the walls. These containers, the most commonly used module of transport in the entire world, have the job of communicating the concept of exchange and commerce, representing a concrete example of creative recovery and exporting ideas.
The roof of the Pavilion is constructed entirely in wood. The “twirled” structure is designed to collect rainwater and to supply water to the plants and cultivations on the top. The position of the pavilion itself towards the sun is thought as a shelter and therefore is accepting a maximum of indirect light (north side) and is very lowon the south side, where the sunlight is the strongest.
The space was designed by the German studio Facts and Fiction, and includes ten distinct exhibition stations created entirely with wooden shipping crates to symbolize the projects that will be ready to be “shipped” around the world thanks to Expo 2015. Each station will present a different sub-theme related to environmental protection.
After the exhibition hall, visitors can then visit the restaurant area: the purpose of the architectural style is to maintain a totally continuous effect, and here the wooden crate theme returns once again. But then the atmosphere changes: we are no longer inside a warehouse but instead in the middle of a typical Monegasque market.
The main theme of the cuisine is “product for the product”: according to this philosophy, it will be essential to work the raw material as little as possible, thus offering dishes closeto a concept of intact nature.
To the Monaco Pavilion, Milan is not the final destination. At the closing ceremony of Expo, the entire atopic building will be dismantled, shipped and reused in Burkina Faso
The Monaco Red Cross, in partnership with the Burkina Faso Red Cross and their respective governments, are taking up their greatest humanitarian challenge: to transform the Monaco Pavilion from Milan Expo 2015 into the main element of an innovative and sustainable training and accommodation centre close to Ouagadougou, (capital of Burkina Faso) and to the future international airport.