A single object with multiple functions. This is a good definition for Snowpouf, a seat designed by Paola Navone with a chubby form, ready to absorb noises in any space. The effect is produced by the covering in Snowsound Fiber, a special sound-absorbing fabric patented by Caimi, applied to a wooden frame with soft polyester. The ottoman comes with a strap for easy movement, in spite of the rounded drum-like form.

The same ability to adjust acoustics can be found in Snowgems, a project by (a+b) Dominoni, Quaquaro. “Snowgems is an open system that generates soft solutions and forms, capable of having perceptible impact on the acoustic and aesthetic quality of spaces,” the architects explain. The inspiration comes from the way artisans string necklaces, adding one gemstone at a time. Likewise, Snowgems is formed by pieces with different forms, strung across various types of structures: totems, modular dividers, ceiling or wall modules. The panels come in four colors: dark gray, pink quartz, aquamarine and ice white.

Snowgems by Caimi, Design Paola Navone