“Today the website introduces new logics of product narration that shed light on the capacity of our solutions to multiply domestic space, underscoring the unique character of Clei’s process of design and production.”
This is how Pierluigi Colombo, Art Director of Clei, announces the start of a new digital phase that will lead – according to forecasts – to a boost in brand awareness and subsequent market growth.

The new integrated digital system of Clei has been formulated with the collaboration of the digital agency IM*MMEDIA, guided by Pasquale Esposito Lavina. The agency manages the strategy and activities of the digital plan: from the idea to the development of a website, by way of SEO and content marketing functions, all the way to web and social media marketing campaigns (creation of content, community management and advertising). Pierluigi Colombo adds: “For us, this is a decisive step towards digital communication, through which we intend to develop all the opportunities for brand consolidation and growth on the market.”
Clei has chosen to update its site, thus creating a new digital identity that reflects the product concept and the values of the brand, through design and made-to-measure user experience. In an era in which a presence in the digital realm has taken on equal if not greater importance with respect to the ‘real’ world, it is fundamental for the online face of a company to turn in excellent performance in all its aspects. To improve the positioning of the website, based on Drupal 8, IM*MEDIA has designed its architecture to ensure optimal performance in terms of SEO.

The challenge for Clei and IM*MEDIA has been to make browsing easier and more intuitive on a portal full of content, featuring products that respond to the needs of contemporary living with an eye on the future thanks to flexibility, enabling adaptation over time. The site is modern and innovative, just like the projects of Clei that jibe perfectly with contemporary lifestyles and have contributed to the definition of the ‘transformable home.’
Search tools, animation and motion graphics video represent the gateways to the world of Clei: after crossing them, the user comes into contact with the systems created to multiply the habitat settings in a simple, functional way.