From 14 to 20 January, coinciding with IMM Cologne 2019, the exhibition centre of Koelnmesse welcomes LivingKitchen, the trade fair dedicated to kitchens that is addressed both to the world of professionals and to that of end customers. The numbers alone give a very good idea of the importance of the event: 200 exhibitors from over 20 countries in an area of 270 thousand square metres with more than 150 thousand visitors expected.
The organizers aspire to making LivingKitchen the exhibition dedicated to kitchens the most international one of its kind in the world, and they seek to stimulate the sales network both in the major export markets as well as in Germany, while at the same time creating new distribution channels.
To do this, there will be many innovations, such as FoodMarket, which will be located at the centre of the three halls of the exhibition area, offering a 360° view of the kitchen lifestyle: Future Technology, Future Design and Future FoodStyles. It is an environment that encourages discussion and allows visitors the opportunity of purchasing the products present.

LivingKitchen does not seek to present itself as a mere display of kitchens, appliances and accessories, even if presented in the context of an exposition dedicated to all the nuances of furnishing, but it is aimed at focusing on the emotional side, offering informative moments, events and important shows dedicated to the kitchen. Inspiration and innovation are the keywords for the latest new products and for the 2019 trends in colours and materials.
Compared to 2015, participation of non-German companies is around 15%. There are sixty new entries among the exhibitors, including Lube, Driade, Nobili, Gessi, Infinity, Surface and Zampieri, who will join the brands that have already presented themselves in the past in Cologne, such as Aran Cucine.