There is also a representation of the deepest spirituality within the exhibition “A decade of evolution in design, carried out by IFDM to celebrate its tenth anniversary. To this reflection leads the artistic project by Margherita Castoldi deriving from the Ludmilla small table by Opera Contemporary, re-elaborating the brand’s characteristic values of simple linearity, refined eloquence, modest elegance.
The artist’s constant pursuit of purity in the contemporary world could not be better represented than by the floral element that is by definition a symbol of spiritual purity, namely the lotus flower. In the Hindu and Buddhist religions and in Egyptian culture, the lotus flower is respectively associated with beauty, purity and rebirth: it can bloom in all its white splendor in even the darkest waters.
The curved geometric structure of the Ludmilla table – we must remember that in art the circle is the symbol of perfection and uniformity – was suitable for the conceptual approach to this redesign. Two white flowers sprout from the solid roots, gently lying on the surface of the water: one is a bud and the other is in full bloom (handmade in clay by the artist).
The link between material and spiritual reality in the work reflects the link between the art and design world, whose epiphany is the Transformation into a lotus.