Tag: Flos

Design and genius loci

La Roqqa is the new five-star hotel in Porto Ercole where the interior designed by Palomba...

Casa Italia: at the 2024 Olympics, room for creativity

Art, design and sustainability to welcome the Italian team to the Olympics in Paris, celeb...

The new home of Maxalto and B&B Italia

The B&B Italia store on Madison Avenue gets bigger, with a section – with its own entran...

A changing world

The lighting sector, more than many others in the design/furniture industry, is going thro...

Light is a tiger

Photographer Tommaso Sartori is the author of many communication campaigns in which lamps ...

Upholstered furniture and digital performance: the 2023 ranking

meAAns takes stock of last year’s digital performance of brands. And introduces a new fr...

An island reborn

Sustainable luxury hotel Mamula Island rescues a tiny island-fortress from the shadow of f...

In the wake of (Italian) design

The Haven, designed by Lissoni&Partners, is an ultra-exclusive area of the Norwegian Prima...

The design subversive

A special auction pays tribute to Dino Gavina, entrepreneur and visionary, a central figur...


Columns, arches, precise volumes: the charm of the modern city, a 20th-century legacy, bec...