Marina Bay in Singapore light ups itself with sustainability. The annual festival’s fourth edition of bright installations, i Light Marina Bay, reached numerous consents for the Switch Off, Turn Up campaign, directed to sustainability.
The event, launched in 2010 as biennal, encourages a sustainable enlightening system, developed in a project where switching off non-essential lighting and turning up air-conditioning temperatures during the three-week festival. The present edition sees 73 organizations and buildings planding their support for the campaign, partner of World Wide Fund for Nature.
International and local artists exhibit 25 installations available to visitors in a colorful bright kaleidoscope. The curators Randy Chan and Khairuddin Hori – respectively Principal Architect at Zarch Collaboratives in Singapore and Deputy Director of Artistic Programming at Palais de Tokyo, Paris – introduce the theme In Praise of Shadows inspired by Junichiro Tanizaki’s seminal essay of the same title. «The festival is not only a platform to showcase works from the local and international art scene – as i Light Marina Bay’s Director Jason Chen explains – It also aims to get people thinking about a sustainable future».
Collateral events as workshops, performaces and interactive discussion sessions recall a large consent, particuarly thanks to i Light Symposium: it is a dialogue about sustainability where leaders in different fields influence each other.