Viennese design

Designed by Rita Reisinger-Schöbel and Doris Kutscher, the renovated Danaher Vienna One Building features Dieffebi furnishings

Danaher Vienna One Building, Leica Microsystems
Danaher Vienna One Building, Leica Microsystems

The headquarters of Leica Microsystems is located in the new Danaher Vienna One Building, a completely renovated building designed by Viennese architects Rita Reisinger-Schöbel and Doris Kutscher. Part of the furniture for the offices and common areas in the renovated building was supplied by Dieffebi.

Danaher Vienna One Building, Leica Microsystems

These include the T-Share and T-Share Hight table systems, which are office and communal tables that can be accessorised and reconfigured, and are available in different proportions and sizes to allow multiple configurations; and the various modules of the Primo furnishing system – both designed by 967Arch – made up of multifunctional elements designed to furnish individual workstations or open spaces, as well as more compact offices, management or communication areas.

Danaher Vienna One Building, Leica Microsystems