Maison&Objet: (im)possible worlds

For its January 2025 edition, the Paris fair has chosen the theme of Sur/Reality as its leitmotif. A creative exploration of the domestic world that opens up new perspectives


The domestic environment as a possible wonderland that transcends logic and rationality: with the inspiring theme of Sur/Reality, Maison&Objet and creative agency Peclers Paris explore the productive vitality of a new surrealism this coming January.

Jonathan Adler

A creative current that draws on fantasy, distortion, chance, humor and poetry to create new creative landscapes and products that are as surprising as they are desirable. In a complex and chaotic world, dominated by the digital dimension that is now the connective tissue of our existence, these daydreams, thanks to their originality, non-conformity and inventiveness, offer, with a seditious smile, side-steps that put our everyday life on hold.

Jonathan Adler
Bordallo Pinheiro

This neo-Surrealism willingly evokes the false and the bizarre, inviting us to play with the iterative properties of the digital and the endless random digressions made possible by artificial intelligence, which, on closer inspection, have many points of contact with automatic writing or the cadavres exquis practiced by André Breton and his followers.


Questioning reality, arousing curiosity through a form of abnormality, invites us to reconnect with instinctive creativity. The means to bring out the wonderful in a sometimes too established order opens up rich and fertile creative fields. They spice up everyday banality when they poetically invite us to daydream.


“As we celebrate the centenary of this total aesthetic movement, Maison&Objet is revealing its influence on contemporary creation in the world of design and decoration”, says Mélanie Leroy, managing director of Maison&Objet. “It’s an invitation to explore highly inspiring fantasy and dream worlds, to get away from it all, to daydream and to explore new alternative realities”.

Jerome W Bugara