The original space was a gym with a swimming pool. The architects were tasked with designing a multi-functional project which now accommodates a variety of photography shoots, fashion shows, art exhibitions, and other live events. Can a contemporary commercial exhibition space be expanded into a mind-body journey with some psychic touch, providing an opportunity for introspection and contemplation of life? The design team SpActrum and the owner of M2 embarked on an unusual exploration together.
By leveraging high space, the concept of an inverted valley is established. In this world, there is a unique experience of anti-gravity. The valley itself is a winding path, so when it is inverted, the peaks become hanging screens, and the path is dimly visible in the separated areas. The peaks hang, curl, concave, elongate, and coexist. In many angles, they look like some physical representation of human senses such as ears, eyes, and mouths.
M2 Art Centre is a place with unique spiritual characteristics and rich symbolic meanings. Through metaphorical spatial narrative and the use of different categories of geometric forms under the control of superb geometric mastery, the space is endowed with ambiguous and multiple meanings, with many metaphors and references hidden in the pure geometric forms. The result is a space that offers a concentrated and profound spiritual experience, and provides Hangzhou a platform for various new ideas, aesthetics, arts to be communicated and promoted.
Photo © SFAP