In an exquisite dialogue between enchanting and innovative forms and the age-old Italian tradition of jewelry, the Alta Gioielleria collection of Dolce&Gabbana is a celebration of the skills of engravers, sculptors, mounters and other craftsmen.
Genuine masterpieces that for the first time bring their magnificent glow to Design Miami/, in a narrative of unique quality. With an accent on excellence, during the art week in Milan, Dolce&Gabbana Casa makes its debut, in partnership with Luxury Living Group, in the Design District (Luxury Living Store, 50 N.E. 39th Street) with a refined collection based on the art de vivre.
As Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana indicate, “with the Dolce&Gabbana Casa collection we want to propose a lifestyle that is unique for its basic values of craftsmanship, the love of handiwork, respect for the tradition, but also innovation. For us, beauty and Italian culture are a constant source of inspiration, offering images and impressions we then reinterpret in a contemporary way, in a Dolce Vita perspective on the joy of living.”
“For Design Miami we are presenting a new theme, Oro 24K,” the creative duo continue (who for the Dolce&Gabbana Casa collection are also presenting a second new theme in Miami, DG Logo). The opulence of the Baroque, its eccentric but also very refined forms, come back to life in the precious fabrics and smooth or hammered surfaces of furnishings and complements. In our view, the Baroque is not just a style – it represents the discovery of the idea of beauty, the celebration of the most unrestrained artistic and personal freedom. We believe these are timely concepts for the new generations, absolutely in tune with our times.”