After the opening of the first Spazio Esperienze in Piacenza – in December 2012, inside the factory – and other showrooms in Milan, Bologna and Verona, Davide Groppi has now arrived in Spain. On 17 March, in fact, Davide Groppi opened a new showroom on this Balearic island, in the splendid setting of Plaça de Sant Antoni at Palma, the island’s capital city.
The new Spazio Esperienze on Mallorca is based on two different but complementary style concepts: the essential look of Scandinavia – in a setting made of original period furnishings and objects – and the clean lines of Japanese culture.
All the products on view in the new experiential space of Davide Groppi share the constant pursuit of an always delicate light in these two very different cultures, a light that is concealed and only revealed at second glance, when the curiosity arrives to find out where it comes from. A light that generates amazement, magic, surprise, ingenuity, fantasy, thanks to the complex organization that is there behind every single creation.
This new Spazio Esperienze will be a place open to designers, and to all those who want to fully enter the world of Davide Groppi. A place for dialogue, to illustrate for all how the lamps and all the other products come into being: a perfect, exclusive mixture of creativity, imagination and passion.