It moves, it can be adjusted, utilized alone or in groups. The C-Base system created by the French designer Patrick Norguet for Cider offers a valid way to organize workspaces, responding to the increasingly ‘fluid’ needs of offices. The metal structure of the workstation, like that of the coatrack trolleys, has four wheels to permit easy movement, with a height-adjustable worksurface ready for multiple uses and settings in the home or office.
Depending on necessities, it can be outfitted with shelves or other objects useful for working, or with small pots and planters to make the office more welcoming and biophilic. By adding a storage module at the base, the unit also becomes a compartment for objects, enhanced by a vertical partition. The designer has chosen the name C-Base to reference the innovative spirit of the first coworking facility created in Berlin in 1995.