Despite the protracted pandemic and the difficulties related to the procurement of raw materials, Talenti, a reference brand in the high-end outdoor furniture sector, not only confirms the boom of 2020 but relaunches with a +57 % of turnover compared to 12 months ago and amounting to over 30 million euros.
In the last years the brand, founded by Cameli family in 2004, has practically tripled its turnover and has been transformed from Srl to Spa, with Fabrizio Cameli who firmly maintains control of the company.
“For many, 2021 was a year of rebirth, for us that of consecration – confirms Fabrizio Cameli, founder and president of Talenti. We grew up when no one in the world did so we are pleased to have given our contribution in maintaining the image of Made in Italy in the world at a high level in a difficult time. The Pandemic has taught us that the more we are able to be independent and innovative in the production and creative process, the greater the ability to respond to the demands of a market that is hungry for quality design. The new headquarters of Amelia has indicated the way and in the coming months we will multiply the initiatives and collaborations in this direction.”
Talenti is currently present in over 65 countries; 62% of its turnover comes from international markets with the USA, France, United Arab Emirates, Spain in the lead and with the whole Old Continent in constant growth. Italy remains the main market, accounting for only 38% of turnover. Among the latest investments, the Amelia Headquarters, the opening of new flasgship stores around the world – with the debut in the Netherlands in January and in Spain during the spring – and projects in France and the United States.