A thousand pieces to form a masterpiece of sartorial design. These are the chairs that ‘dress up’ the David Geffen Theatre inside the new Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, just expanded with a project by Renzo Piano Building Workshop and opened on 30 September.

Over two years of work conducted by the Custom Interiors division of Poltrona Frau, especially the seating design team, to achieve a unique, completely customized solution for what is considered the leading US institution on the art and culture of cinema, and the artists of the world of moviemaking.

Created in close collaboration with RPBW, the red velvet seats are in perfect tune with the theater’s image. They guarantee the quality and comfort we would expect from a premium cinema, while the frontal portion of the seating can be completely dismantled to free up space for other events.

This is a new, outstanding feature for a museum with 4700 sqm of exhibition space, in a total of 30,000, presenting permanent and temporary shows, along with two cinemas and theaters, education programs and dynamic spaces for special public and private initiatives.

“It is a great satisfaction to see the completion of the theater of the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures,” says Nicola Coropulis, CEO of Poltrona Frau. “This is a project on which we have been working for some time, and like the others it bears witness to our ability to develop custom solutions capable of perfect interaction with architectural and interior design. This achievement is one of the many examples of our fertile collaboration with Renzo Piano Building Workshop, which once again has generated an important project for the community, in relation to the fascinating world of cinema.”