A growth path that since 2008 has led to four different facilities, reaching the latest at Fiorano Modenese, activated in 2021 after a renovation, and 4 different brands of ceramic tiles, complementary to each other but each with its own specific position and identity on the market: Terratinta Ceramiche, Ceramica Magica, Sartoria and Micro. To which we can add the latest development – Atmosfere.
Other numbers tell the story in greater detail. 42 employees, for growth of 23% over 2019, including 70% women. 22 million euros of earnings in 2020, with an added value generated for stakeholders of 1,022,914 euros, and over 70% foreign clients. Among suppliers, 98% are located in Italy (of which 80% have eco-certifications for products and processes). And 100% compensation for CO2 emissions in 2019 and 2020.
As Luca Migliorini, CEO, explains, “we have always invested in sustainability at 360°. In excellent financial health, the company works without thinking only about the bottom line, but also with an eye on the future. We invest heavily in community activities, as in the project ‘Adopt a Park’ for the care of green areas, and initiatives for the people who work inside the company.”
“We are a Benefit corporation, like only a few hundred others in Italy, and we have established several pillars of our corporate mission and activity in terms of sustainability, Plastic Free, Green Energy, Paper Decrease and Carbon Neutrality, as well as transparent relations with clients and suppliers, a welfare system for employees, and interaction with the community.” Being a Benefit corporation calls for the introduction of statutory provisions that emphasize the principle of implementation of common benefits in a responsible, sustainable and transparent way.
Furthermore, the company is now close to achieving international B Corp certification, indicating a company’s ability to operate in such a way as to create positive impacts for stakeholders when economic value is generated.
Confirmation of this growth and of past and future objects can also be seen in the creation in 2021 of a new headquarters at Fiorano Modenese of about 50,000 square meters, a project assigned to EB studio, which has transformed an industrial building from the last century in architectural, functional and aesthetic terms, giving a new look to the façades and the entrance, with a more modern configuration of the internal spaces, where furnishings and finishes are made with spruce and other recyclable materials, while combining indoor and outdoor zones.
Directly connected to the reception area, the showroom has been conceived as a display structure with a clear identity that brings out the value of materials, brands and collections. To encourage teamwork and interpersonal relations, the offices and meeting zone are accompanied by convivial areas for relaxation, including a kitchen and a dining room, a fitness center, a lounge, a winter garden and an area for kids.
The latest new development is also the debut of the new brand Atmosfere, created in collaboration with Francesco Lucchese. This is a new collection of furnishings in which ceramic is the common denominator and the distinctive feature. Like the tables of the De Architectura line, based on the harmonious proportions and forms of Italian architecture, or the consoles with washstands, available in 20 different colors, of the I Geni dell’Arte line for the bathroom zone.