A 600-metre line of identical LED lights runs around the entire shop, a totally custom-made solution by Nemo Studio, Nemo’s architectural arm. The interior design project presents a different idea of luxury, one that creates a decisive contrast with contemporary style but also engages in a dialogue with it through the crude look of the floor, the feeling of being embraced by the mirrored ceilings and the lights of the monitors colouring the spaces.
The lighting plays a crucial role, drawing attention to all the ways of exploring the spaces through the use of professional Nemo Studio systems. Directable spots combine an essential look with a compact aesthetic – Elba and Flex track fixed optics installed on a rail surrounding the different interiors concentrate light on the garments precisely yet discreetly. The strongest elements are the high chromatic yield that enhances the colours and emphasises the fabrics, and the orientability of the light units, giving them the ability to adapt to various display requirements.
Photo © Barbara Corsico