Treasure hunt with Ideal Standard

The treasure’s in Berlin, represented by historic works of architecture, which Ideal Standard commemorates in this journey to the roots of modernity

Many consider it the European capital of culture, the place where trends first land and then change form, taking on a recognizable continental spirit: this is Berlin, the location of the second stage of the Together World Tour of Ideal Standard. After Milan – noblesse oblige as the capital of design – the choice of Berlin allows the company to connect its name and reputation to a place that has witnessed large portions of the history of the last century. Berlin means the Bauhaus and Walter Gropius, who founded it over 100 years ago with the idea of creating timeless design, just like Jan Peter Tewes, the new CEO of Ideal Standard, who indicates the company’s mission: to make products that will always be timely. width=What is classic and what is modern? How does timeless design come about? These are the simple questions that represent the red thread of this tour, with the contributions of important guests.

We start with Joern Kengelbach, a journalist and design expert who emphasizes how the Bauhaus revolutionized creative thinking, making breakthroughs that are still perceptible today. width=

From journalism to remarkable architecture, Sir David Chipperfield opened an office in Berlin years ago, and narrates the character of the city with rare delicacy and enviable clarity: a city of Germany, a nation remembered for tragic episodes. Chipperfield, however, looks beyond the obstacle of a negative history, formulating an expression that makes the Tour worthwhile on its own: “one has to think of the legitimate layers of the history of Germany and Berlin, a city where it is possible to invest in projects with a precise meaning.” So he narrates everything without delving into negative concepts.  width=The grand finale is with Roberto Palomba, art director of Ideal Standard since 2018, who says, “Berlin is modernity, a city that always looks forward, which has gone through exciting cultural moments; but above all, it is the city that brought about the split between design for the few and social design, for everyone.” The combination of form and function leads to Extra, the collection designed by Palomba for Ideal Standard, selected for this stop in Berlin: a pure project, as the designer says, springing precisely from the foundations of design for all. width=This stop on the World Together Tour of Ideal Standard offers viewers half an hour of intriguing contents in succinct form, in an operation of communication that responds to current interests while conveying a relaxing approach.

The next journey is in London, on 23 September.