The ADI Design Museum

The ADI Museum opens in Milan, an event that attracted sector professionals and design lovers to the conceptual center of the world of furnishings

Apart from the obvious significance of the role of ADI and its museum, apart from the fact that the opening was one of the first official occasions to bring hundreds of people together in the transition from Covid to pseudo-normality, this is an event of historic impact, especially for the future.

Misurando il mondo, ADI Design Museum - Photo © Martina Bonetti
Misurando il mondo, ADI Design Museum – Photo © Martina Bonetti

In his sincere and heartfelt remarks, the President of ADI Luciano Galimberti explained the solid reasoning behind the ADI Museum: history interpreted with an eye on the future, the value (not rhetorical but concrete) of public-private cooperation, and technology (not extreme, but accessible and feasible). No small order, in what Galimberti defined as “a self-generating museum,” an apt expression that gets beyond the concept of recharging (a thing that works, but is always the same) and heads into the terrain of design and ideas: the ADI Design Museum will be a workshop that connects past and future, passing whenever possible through the present, a place where the term “generational” loses meaning and yields to the notion that “design and creation also happen by means of hard work,” as the President of Fondazione ADI Umberto Cabini emphasized, banishing the facile rhetoric of inaugurations and clarifying the fact, as if it were necessary, that design is not just a pleasant aesthetic parlor game.

Il cucchiaio e la città, ADI Design Museum - Photo © Martina Bonetti
Il cucchiaio e la città, ADI Design Museum – Photo © Martina Bonetti

The sector will undoubtedly benefit from this location, which together with the Design Museum of the Triennale represents a high point of the “design know-how” of Italy, recognized by all observers, at all latitudes.

Manifesto alla Carriera, ADI Design Museum - Photo © Martina Bonetti
Manifesto alla Carriera, ADI Design Museum – Photo © Martina Bonetti