Elementary Transformations by Cleaf, in a video

A video presented on occasion of Luciano Caspani's 70th birthday, founder of Cleaf, which illustrates the creation of surfaces and innovative solutions for furniture and interior design cladding and covering

Today, consumers are demanding increasingly high levels of transparency from brands. What better way of satisfying this need than for brands to tell their own story and guide us through their own world? Cleaf knows this all too well, and tells its story in a video, Trasformazioni Elementari, by Studio Azzurro. A video which enables us to discover the creation of surfaces and innovative solutions for furniture and interior design cladding and covering, through a tactile gaze.

It is divided into four chapters: Light reveals raw materials. Different raw materials converge in surfaces. Surfaces multiply in the creation of finishings and decorations. Light suggests forms. The video develops into a story spanning from the selection and combination of raw materials and state-of-the-art technology, fine project development skills which multiply them and render them unique, and finally, the ability to ensure that they are experienced through products and projects by the finest furniture and interior designers.