Look out for a herd of customised elephants at Designjunction2015. Painted, patterned, and accessorised by 21 world-renowned designers and architects who have added their personal touch to the iconic Eames Elephants – donated by Vitra. The unique designs will appear as an installation at designjunction2015 entitled A Child’s Dream – to raise funds and awareness for Teddy’s Wish charity.
All proceeds will go to Teddy’s Wish to aid research into Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), neonatal death and stillbirth while supporting grieving families.
Participating designers include:Aukett Swanke, Lee Broom, CKR, FRONT, Fredrikson Stallard, Industrial Facility, Kenneth Grange, Gensler, Eley Kishimoto, André Klauser, Max Lamb, Philippe Malouin, Michael Marriott, Kit Miles, Neri & Hu, Patternity, Russell Pinch, Raw Edges, Zandra Rhodes, Terence Woodgate, and Sebastian Wrong.
All 22 customised objects will be presented within Victoria House at designjunction2015 in an installation curated by Anthony Dickens, before being put to a live auction following the show. All funds will go directly to Teddy’s Wish.