In its third edition, this year NYCxDESIGN will take place from 8th to 19th May and it will be the meeting place for famous artists, entrepreneurs and professionals of the city and the world. The celebration will feature more than 200 events, spanning all disciplines of design, in the five boroughs of the city: Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens e Staten Island. Why New York City? Because with more than 40,000 practicing designers and with more than 3900 design companies, the city boasts the higer number of professionals of design in the USA.
Kyle Kimball, President of NYCEDC said: “New York City is proving that design thinking encourages equitable neighborhood development where form enables function, and where innovation can generate true social good”. In fact, the design sector has a positive impact on NYC’s economy. It counts that design employment increased 31% in ten years, double the citywide employment growth of 15% over the same period.